Sunday, September 26, 2010

Great Website - Talyala Emu Products

I firmly believe that everyone in business needs to keep themselves as healthy as possible in order to keep their business healthy.
I personally find Talyala Emu Products to be a great help in my quest of being the best I can be in my health.
Do you have sore parts in your body eg. arthiritis etc? Itchy, red spots? I have had both and have found relief using emu oil products. Especially the tablets, pure oil and heat rub. In fact, can't live without them. Lovely moisturiser and soap too. Click here if the banner below does not work.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Great Website - Wonderful Web Women

Do you have an internet business? Even if you do not, you will find Janet Becker's website Wonderful Web Women inspirational and informative. I am planning to access her site more as I have the time.

About Me

Business Blog to help other small business owners like myself especially women in business. My wish is other small business owners will post their thoughts here too.